Cedar Edge Apps

Nigerian Weddings 1.0
Cedar Edge
The app is fully equipped with wedding info,ranging from lastest weddings in town, to wedding dresses, weddingcolours,wedding planning, wedding news and much more.Take your time to explore the beauty of this app and seeyourself enjoying every beat of the app, its entertaining,informative as well as educative. its the ultimate Nigerian weddingapp!!
Ghana Food Recipes 1.0
Cedar Edge
Ghana Food Recipes is the Ultimate App for allfood lovers desering to learn more on cooking various GhanaianDishes. Is there a kind of Ghana Dish that you wish you could cook,then this app is made for you. check out our various cooks showingyou amazing style of cooking even the dishes you thought you knewhow to cook.Get the app and upgrade your cooking skills and begin to enjoy allyour ghana recipes.
Swahili Food Recipes 1.0
Cedar Edge
Swahili Food Recipes is designed for allswahili food lovers. Its the ultimate food app that equips you onhow to prepare various swahili food recipes.
Kenyan Food Recipes 1.0
Cedar Edge
Install your Ultimate Kenyan Food Recipes Appdesigned to educate and enlighted you on how to prepare variousKenyan meals ranging from breakfast, lunch and dinner.You can learn how to cook the following-Kenyan Pumpkin Soup-Tomatoe Sauce-Fish in Coconut Cury- Kidney Bean/Coconut Sauce-Grains-pulao-Pulao-Corn and Beans-Corn Meal Mush-Mashed beans,Potatoe&Greens-Kenyan Sponge Cake-Food blog-Chicken roastand many more